For me, the key to philanthropy is the three T's: time, talent and treasure. So much of philanthropy is though of in terms of treasure - in other words, money - but the real success of the Genesis Foundation lies in embracing talent and nurturing that talent, working as a team with our partners and creating a network that continually supports every artist with whom the Foundation has worked over the years.

50 Operas workshopped, 26 bursaries awarded to emerging playwrights, 2 british ballet dancers trained at the bolshoi ballet academy, 3 Genesis prizes, 15 Choral Commissions, 6 art exhibitions, 13 Operas commissioned and produced, 75 creative businesses supported through Prince's Trust, 2 Chamber music pieces commissioned

2000 artists support, over £10,000,000 given to arts organizations

The ongoing struggle to open doors in the arts for the unrich in this class-driven country is spearheaded by John Studzinski and the likes of him. He and his Foundation are training young actors and playwrights to ensure that theatre's many treasures are brought to life; how intelligent is that?

With John Studzinski and the Genesis Foundation's dedicated support and commitment we have been able to respond to our changing world authentically and deeply through the long-term development of writers who are living lives we can hardly imagine. John and Genesis change lives and help us all to understand who we are.

50 Operas workshopped, 13 Operas commissioned and produced, 6 art exhibitions, 2 british ballet dancers trained at the bolshoi ballet academy, 75 creative businesses supported through Prince's Trust

John Studzinski and the Genesis Foundation provide essential support and fundamental encouragement for young creatives to dive fearlessly into their craft.

Genesis Sixteen is the most overt form of structured, creative learning that we've created. Its benefit ratio – impact in relation to amount spent – is very high. Harry elevates everyone he works with.

3 Genesis prizes, 2 Chamber music pieces commissioned, 15 Choral Commissions, 2 photographers supported on the RCA's MA programme, 26 bursaries awarded to emerging playwrights, 1 art game & 1 light installation