£1m Genesis Kickstart Fund

Four photos split by white and green diagonal lines. The top left photo is pf two dancers kneeling on the floor and looking up. The top right is of two actors on a stage, sitting on a block and talking to each other. The bottom left is of members of an orchestra in a large stone walled indoor car park. The conductor is in the centre of the photo, with their back to the camera. The bottom right photo, which is larger than the other three, is of a person mid-backflip with five dancers standing below them, looking up in amazement and smiling. Across this main larger image is white text reading 'Genesis Kickstart Fund'.

About the Fund

A photo of members of Akram Khan Company rehearsing in a bright studio. The dancers are in a line each holding a cardboard box above their heads. One dancer stands alone looking up at the boxes.

In 2021, the Genesis Foundation set up the Genesis Kickstart Fund, allocating £1 million in grants for future-facing projects that provided paid work for freelance creative professionals.

GKF Projects

An adult and a child in schoolk uniform sat at a desk with cables and sound monitors on. The child is pointing at something off camera and smiling at the adult. The adult is smiling back at them.

The 95 projects awarded grants have supported more than 1,000 freelance artists across England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

GKF Impact Report

A black background. On the left are white and green diagonal lines crossing at the same point. On the right is the text 'Genesis Kickstart Fund Impact Report.

The impact of the Genesis Kickstart Fund was measured through surveys sent to every artist who had participated in a GKF project and summarised in a report.
